Pizza Clicker

Check out Pizza Clicker! our newest game, a clicker with an interesting story...

Read the blog here

Pizza Clicker Screenshot


Pizza clicker is our only game for the moment
The next game we have in game is a horsecret :)

Pizza Clicker Grandma


We understand that continuous learning and the adoption of new technologies are essential
to stay at the forefront of the digital entertainment industry. As software engineers forming
part of the team, we are committed to solve any software challenge beyond videogames.

This building is a software

About Ludere

We present the business plan for Ludere Studios, a company we are eager to establish to
contribute value to the global video game market. Through this plan, we will share our vision
and strategies for the creation and development of Ludere Studios.

Ludere Studios Logo


Get in touch with us... [email protected]

Fondo azul